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Python Entry Point Groups Naming Conventions: Best Practices with Code and Example


In Python, entry point groups are used in the context of package distribution to specify a group of entry points that a package provides. These entry points can be used for various purposes, such as creating plugins for applications or specifying command-line tools provided by a package. The entry points are defined in the file (for setuptools) or pyproject.toml file (for more modern packaging tools that follow PEP 517/518) of a Python package.

Conventions Around Naming Entry Point Groups

There are no strict conventions enforced by the packaging tools themselves regarding the naming of entry point groups. However, there are some best practices and common patterns observed in the Python community:

  1. Use Namespaces: It’s common to use a namespace-like structure for entry point group names, especially for plugins. For example, myapp.plugins for a group of plugins for myapp. This helps to avoid conflicts between entry point group names from different packages.

  2. Be Descriptive: The name of the entry point group should clearly describe its purpose or the type of entry points it contains. For example, console_scripts for command-line executables.

  3. Follow Existing Patterns: If you are creating entry points for use with a well-known application or framework, follow the naming conventions that it uses. For example, many packages providing plugins for pytest use entry point groups named according to pytest‘s expectations, such as pytest11.


Here’s an example demonstrating how to define entry points in a file, using the setuptools approach. This example defines a command-line tool entry point (console_scripts) and a hypothetical plugin entry point group for an application named myapp.

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

        # Command-line executable scripts
        'console_scripts': [
        # Plugins for 'myapp'
        'myapp.plugins': [

And here’s an example for pyproject.toml, which is becoming more common with the adoption of PEP 517 and 518 for Python packaging:

name = "mypackage"
version = "0.1"

mycli = "mypackage.cli:main"

myplugin = "mypackage.plugins.myplugin:PluginClass"


While there’s flexibility in naming entry point groups, adhering to conventions around namespaces and descriptiveness can improve the clarity and maintainability of your package. Additionally, aligning with the naming patterns of the applications or frameworks your package integrates with will ensure compatibility and ease of use for end-users.

Reference Links to Include:

  1. Python Packaging Authority (PyPA) Documentation:

    • For official guidelines on Python package development, including entry point naming conventions.
  2. Python Entry Points Explanation:

    • Detailed articles or tutorials on how entry points work in Python and their importance in package distribution.
    • Suggested Search: “Understanding Python entry points”
  3. Examples of Well-Named Entry Point Groups:

  4. Stack Overflow for Python Packaging Questions:

    • A platform for troubleshooting and advice on Python packaging, including entry points and naming conventions.

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