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Flappy Bird Clone Tutorial: Learn to Develop a Tapping Adventure Game with Java – Navigating Bird through Pipes

Creating a Flappy Bird clone involves handling player input to control the bird’s vertical movement, generating obstacles (pipes) at regular intervals, and checking for collisions. Here’s a simplified version using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We’ll mimic the “tap” with mouse clicks or key presses for simplicity.

Step 1: HTML Structure

Create the basic structure for the game.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Flappy Bird Clone</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <div id="gameContainer">
        <div id="bird"></div>
    <script src="game.js"></script>

Step 2: CSS Styling

Add styles to visualize the bird and the game area

#gameContainer {
    width: 400px;
    height: 600px;
    background-color: lightblue;
    overflow: hidden;
    position: relative;

#bird {
    width: 30px;
    height: 30px;
    background-color: yellow;
    position: absolute;
    top: 285px; /* Starting position */
    left: 50px;
    border-radius: 50%;

Step 3: JavaScript Logic

We’ll create the game logic in game.js. This includes making the bird “flap” (move upwards) on a mouse click or key press, gravity to pull the bird down, generating pipes, and checking for collisions.

const bird = document.getElementById('bird');
let birdY = 285; // Bird's vertical position
const gravity = 2; // Effect of gravity on the bird
let gameRunning = true;

// Function to make the bird "flap" and move upwards
function flap() {
    let flapHeight = 50; // How high each flap takes the bird
    birdY -= flapHeight;
    if (birdY < 0) birdY = 0; // Prevent bird from going above the game area

// Update bird's position
function updateBirdPosition() { = birdY + 'px';

// Simulate gravity
function applyGravity() {
    if (gameRunning) {
        birdY += gravity;
        if (birdY > 570) birdY = 570; // Prevent bird from falling below the game area

// Event listener for flap
document.addEventListener('click', flap); // Or use 'keydown' for keyboard control

// Game loop to apply gravity
setInterval(applyGravity, 20);

// TODO: Add functions to generate pipes and check for collisions


  • Gravity and Flapping: The bird automatically falls due to gravity, and the player can make it “flap” (move upwards) to navigate through the gaps in the pipes.
  • Event Listener: The flap function is called when the player clicks anywhere on the document. This can be changed to respond to keyboard input if preferred.
  • Game Loop: The applyGravity function is repeatedly called using setInterval to simulate the effect of gravity on the bird, pulling it downwards.

Extending the Game

To complete the game, you would need to add:

  • Pipe Generation: Functions to create pipes at regular intervals that move from right to left across the screen. Each pair of pipes has a gap for the bird to pass through.
  • Collision Detection: Logic to detect when the bird collides with a pipe or the ground, which would end the game.
  • Scoring: A system to increase the player’s score each time the bird successfully passes through a gap between pipes.


This simplified version of a Flappy Bird clone covers creating the game area, controlling the bird, and applying gravity. Expanding the game to include pipes, collision detection, and scoring would provide a complete gameplay experience similar to Flappy Bird. This project is a great way to practice handling user input, game physics, and collision detection in JavaScript.


  • Gravity and Flapping: The bird automatically falls due to gravity, and the player can make it “flap” (move upwards) to navigate through the gaps in the pipes.
  • Event Listener: The flap function is called when the player clicks anywhere on the document. This can be changed to respond to keyboard input if preferred.
  • Game Loop: The applyGravity function is repeatedly called using setInterval to simulate the effect of gravity on the bird, pulling it downwards.

Extending the Game

To complete the game, you would need to add:

  • Pipe Generation: Functions to create pipes at regular intervals that move from right to left across the screen. Each pair of pipes has a gap for the bird to pass through.
  • Collision Detection: Logic to detect when the bird collides with a pipe or the ground, which would end the game.
  • Scoring: A system to increase the player’s score each time the bird successfully passes through a gap between pipes.


This simplified version of a Flappy Bird clone covers creating the game area, controlling the bird, and applying gravity. Expanding the game to include pipes, collision detection, and scoring would provide a complete gameplay experience similar to Flappy Bird. This project is a great way to practice handling user input, game physics, and collision detection in JavaScript.

<div id="gameContainer">
    <div id="bird"></div>
  • gameContainer: This is like the game’s playground. It’s where everything happens, including where the bird flies and pipes appear.
  • bird: Represents the player in the game, which in this case, is a bird. The player controls this bird, trying to fly through gaps between pipes.

CSS Styling

#gameContainer {
    width: 400px;
    height: 600px;
    background-color: lightblue;

#bird {
    width: 30px;
    height: 30px;
    background-color: yellow;
    border-radius: 50%;
  • The game container is styled to represent the sky, which is lightblue, and it’s a certain size (400px wide and 600px tall).
  • The bird is a small, yellow circle (border-radius: 50% makes it round).

JavaScript Logic

let birdY = 285; // Bird's vertical position
const gravity = 2; // Effect of gravity on the bird
  • birdY: Tracks how high or low the bird is in the sky. The game starts with the bird in the middle of the game container.
  • gravity: Pulls the bird down towards the ground. It’s what makes the game challenging, as you need to constantly tap to keep the bird in the air.

Making the Bird Flap

function flap() {
    let flapHeight = 50; // How high each flap takes the bird
    birdY -= flapHeight;
  • When the player clicks or taps, the flap function is called. It moves the bird up by a certain amount (flapHeight). Then it updates where the bird is on the screen.

Applying Gravity

function applyGravity() {
    birdY += gravity;
setInterval(applyGravity, 20);
  • Gravity affects the bird every moment, pulling it down a little bit (gravity). The applyGravity function is called repeatedly (every 20 milliseconds), simulating the continuous effect of gravity.

Updating Bird’s Position

function updateBirdPosition() { = birdY + 'px';
  • This function updates the bird’s position on the screen based on its birdY value. It moves the bird up or down within the gameContainer.

Listening for Player Input

document.addEventListener('click', flap);
  • The game listens for the player’s clicks. Each click calls the flap function, making the bird “flap” its wings and move upwards.

Summary for Students

In this simplified Flappy Bird game:

  • The bird tries to fly through the sky (the game container). It’s constantly being pulled down by gravity, and the player must click to make it flap and fly upwards.
  • The bird’s position is updated constantly to reflect the flapping and gravity.
  • This version of the game sets the foundation. To make it more like Flappy Bird, you would add pipes that move across the screen and collision detection to end the game if the bird touches the pipes or the ground.

This explanation breaks down how the basic mechanics of the game work, making it easier for students to grasp the underlying concepts of game development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Reference Links to Include:

  1. Java Game Development Basics:

  2. Implementing Game Mechanics in Java:

    • Detailed guides or tutorials on creating game mechanics similar to Flappy Bird, including tapping controls and collision detection.
    • Suggested Search: “Java tapping game mechanics tutorial
  3. Flappy Bird Game Design and Logic:

    • Analysis of Flappy Bird’s game design and how to implement similar logic and design principles in your Java clone.
    • Suggested Search: “Flappy Bird game design analysis”
  4. GitHub Repositories for Flappy Bird in Java:

  5. Stack Overflow for Java Game Development Questions:

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