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Python Text Adventure Game: Guide to Crafting Interactive Stories


Text-Based Adventure Game Plan:

  1. Language: Python, excellent for handling text and interacting with users.

  2. Concept: An interactive story where the player makes choices that affect the game’s outcome.

  3. Game elements:

  • A storyline with multiple paths based on player choices.

  • Different scenarios or encounters depend on your choices.

  1. Features:

  • Descriptive text provides context and progression in the story.

  • Choices are presented to the player at critical points in the story.

  • The consequences of choices affect the story’s direction and outcome.

  1. User interaction:

  • Text prompts for player decisions.

  • A simple input mechanism to select choices (e.g., typing numbers or keywords).

Text-Based Adventure Game Code:

def adventure_game():
    print("Welcome to the Adventure Game!")
    print("You find yourself at the entrance of a dark forest. Do you enter?")
    choice = input("Type 'yes' to enter or 'no' to walk away: ")

    if choice.lower() == 'yes':
        print("You venture into the forest and find a fork in the path. Do you go left or right?")
        choice = input("Type 'left' or 'right': ")

        if choice.lower() == 'left':
            print("You encounter a fearsome dragon! Do you fight or run?")
            choice = input("Type 'fight' or 'run': ")

            if choice.lower() == 'fight':
                print("With courage, you defeat the dragon and find a treasure chest. You win!")
                print("You wisely run away and live to fight another day. You win by surviving!")

            print("You find a peaceful clearing with a sparkling pond. You rest and enjoy the tranquility. You win by finding peace!")

        print("You walk away from the forest and find a quiet village to rest. A peaceful choice!")

if __name__ == "__main__":

How to run:

  1. Save this script as a .py file.

  2. Run the script using Python, and the Text-Based Adventure game will start.

  3. Players choose by typing responses to the prompts.

This code provides a basic framework for a Text-Based Adventure game where the player’s choices determine the story’s path. Throughout the game, there are simple if-else statements used to navigate through different scenarios.

Function definition

Def adventure_game():

Game introduction

Print(“Welcome to the Adventure Game!”)

 Then, you find yourself at the entrance to a dark forest. Do you enter?”)

First choice

“Write ‘yes’ if you want to enter the room or ‘no’ if you want to walk away: “)

  • The player is asked to choose by typing ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ This input determines the first branch of the story.

Decision Tree

If choice.lower() == ‘yes’:

 # Further storyline and choices


 Print(“You walk away from the forest…”)

  • Each branch of the story is determined by the player’s choices.

  • I use choice. Lower () to ensure that the player’s input is case-insensitive (e.g., ‘Yes,’ ‘YES,’ and ‘Yes’ are all treated equally).

Nested decisions

If choice.lower() == ‘left’:

 # Scenario for choosing left


 # Scenario for choosing the right

  • Inside the first ‘yes’ branch, another decision point asks the player to choose ‘left’ or ‘right.’

  • Each choice leads to different scenarios and further decisions.

Consequences of choices

If choice.lower() == ‘fight’:

 # Outcome of fighting


 # Outcome of running away

  • The game provides different outcomes based on players’ choices. For example, you can choose to ‘fight’ or ‘run,’ resulting in different endings.

Ending the game

Print(“You win by finding peace!”)

  • Each path in the game ends with a conclusion, signifying the end of that particular story branch.

Running the game

If name == “__main__”:


Learning Points for Students

  • Functions: How to define and use Python functions.

  • Conditional Statements: Using if-else statements to create decision points.

  • User Input: Handling user input with the input() function.

  • String Methods: Use .lower() to make the game case-insensitive.

  • Storytelling in Code: Crafting a narrative and branching paths through code logic.

Reference Links to Include:

  1. Python Official Documentation:

    • Purpose: Essential for Python syntax and library references.
  2. Choose Your Own Adventure Python Tutorial:

    • Purpose: Offers a practical example and insights into creating text-based games, which can be inspirational for your readers.
  3. GitHub Repositories for Text-Based Games in Python:

    • Purpose: To provide examples of text-based adventure games, offering coding inspiration and insights.
  4. Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation:

    • Purpose: A resource for the broader context of interactive fiction, which might inspire further creativity in your readers.

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